The EGYM Fitness Hub improves the workout experience

What Problems Is Fitness Hub Solving?

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EGYM presents Fitness Hub, the new centerpiece of the connected training floor in state-of-the-art fitness and health facilities. With smart onboarding, recurring assessments that include flexibility tests, and the visualization of training success, Fitness Hub addresses three of the most pressing customer needs at once, taking member care to a whole new level.

Learn how Fitness Hub’s key features–enabled by the latest technology–address some of the most pressing pain points facing fitness and health facilities today:


Touchless Onboarding in Just 2 Minutes

The Problem:

The process of onboarding has typically been intimidating for new members and required them to memorize dozens of settings for various machines. Also, it caused staff to spend precious time creating these settings manually for each new exerciser. This practice can leave members frustrated, intimidated, and overwhelmed when all they want to do is merely have an enjoyable and effective workout. And trainers were burdened with doing manual tasks that detracted from value-added human interactions.

The Solution:

  • Fitness Hub reduces the set-up-time of new members dramatically, making the onboarding process smart, touchless, and time-efficient, increasing member satisfaction and retention.
  • Members can be quickly scanned via the latest in 3D-camera-technology and be ready to go in as little as two minutes instead of 20, requiring only minimal physical interaction with staff or equipment - ideal for current health & safety requirements. 
  • Trainers can now focus on the individual members' needs and goals rather than spend valuable time manually ensuring correct settings. The time-savings allow trainers to dedicate themselves to more human interaction like personal coaching or upselling while permitting members to focus on experience and exercise.


Assessments & Progress Tracking Made Easy

The Problem:

When it comes to tracking progress, some areas like flexibility are difficult to measure. And traditional assessment tools such as body composition scales commonly require an additional computer and printer to function and for staff to be around to operate it.

The Solution:

  • Fitness Hub makes taking ongoing assessments easy: provides user-friendly engagement with on-screen guidance.
  • Its built-in cheating detection keeps pace with users and reliably detects compensation movements–or “cheating”–for reliable measurements every time.


Easy-To-Understand Progress Visualization

Image showing BioAge Overview

The Problem:

Tracking and gathering data is only the first step. Then that data needs to be translated into an insight that is relevant to members. It’s all about making complex data easy to understand for the average user, so progress is made visible early on in a language that they know.

The Solution:

  • Even when physical changes may not be apparent, complex assessment data is transformed into understandable metrics with EGYM's intuitive fitness and health metric: BioAge, helping to build motivation for the everyday exerciser from the get-go.
  • Fitness Hub displays progress on a user’s BioAge across multiple areas, including strength, flexibility, metabolism, and cardio. 


Elevate the Role of the Trainer

Image with the role of trainerThe Problem:

Staff costs can be one of the most significant expenses incurred by fitness and health facilities. Staff also is one of a facility’s greatest assets and should be deployed wisely. Spending time on manual, tedious tasks reduces their availability for applying their skill to helping members reach their goals and providing personal member care.

The Solution:

  • Fitness Hub's technology gives staff the ability to perform more enjoyable, value-added services for members.
  • This innovation allows staff to refocus their time on personal interaction, training, and health consulting.


Personalized Experience

Image with personalizationThe Problem:

Nowadays, user 'experience' regarding products and services is paramount. And with the prevalence of social media, people are very vocal about their experiences, especially if they are unfavorable. Unfortunately, many of the issues mentioned above, like complex onboarding or lack of adequate staff support, does not always result in a positive experience at the gym for members.

The Solution:


COVID-related Health & Safety Requirements

The Problem:

We are currently in a global health crisis that has placed public health and safety as a top priority. Compliance has been particularly challenging for industries where social distancing is difficult. Fitness and health facilities have had to implement procedures to safeguard the health of their members and staff.

The Solution:

  • Fitness Hub supports touchless options for onboarding and assessments, enabling both members and staff to feel safe in the process - ideal to comply with current health & social distancing requirements.
  • After touchless onboarding, EGYM Smart Strength machines allow for socially distanced workouts without members having to cross paths or crowd together waiting for machines.

Are You Ready for the New Centerpiece of the Connected Training Floor?

Discover what Fitness Hub is all about.

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